The Origin Of Humans

The Origin Of Humans

(Neanderthals, Australopithecines, and other Famous creatures)

Featuring Mike Riddle (AIG)

This DVD features creationist Mike Riddle’s analysis of the false claims by evolutionists. Mike Riddle has a degree in Mathematics, a Masters degree in education, and 25 years experience in the computer field, most recently managing Microsoft’s worldwide training for system and sales engineers. He is a keynote speaker for Answers in Genesis. In this DVD he deals with case studies in the areas of Neanderthals, Lucy and Australopithecus, and the new ape-man: Ramidus. In the process of his analysis, he discusses both natural selection and mutations. This DVD focuses on the fossil findings used by evolutionists to support their theory of the evolution of early man. Mike Riddle exposes evolutionists deceiving the public in an effort to support their theory, and questions why they would need to lie for their theory. He challenged evolutionists to be truthful in their presentation of the fact of science. He exposes the text books & media for using selective reasoning to promote the theory of evolution in the face of facts supporting the opposite view.

Rating 5 68 min.


Question – Did we evolve or were we made in the image and likeness of God?


  • The history and track record of ape-men

  • Three case Studies – Neanderthals, Australopithecines and Lucy, and a new “ape-man”

  • Mechanism for change

If the evolution of humans from an ape-like ancestor is true there should be two proof evidences.

  1. An abundance of fossils

  2. A mechanism for change

If these evidences are absent then the only alternative is special creation by God.

Evolution begins with the assumption that man has evolved from ape-like creatures.

The Bible states in Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female.

Only one of these statements can be true, therefore the other has to be false.

Our schools teach openly that we are primates; descendants from the branch of Monkeys, Chimpanzees and Apes. Biology textbook example, year 2000 – But all researchers agree on certain basic facts. We know, for example, thathumans evolved from ancestors we share with other living primates such as chimpanzees and apes. Our schools are teaching neither real science or the truth. They are indoctrinating those have been entrusted with.

Java Man – (Pithecanthropus erectus)

  • 1891 found an apelike skullcap

  • 1892 found a human like thigh bone 40ft. away

  • The claim – ape-man 500,000 years old, with no dating mechanism to prove claim

  • Rudolph Virchow (father of modern pathology) stated at the time, In my opinion this creature was an animal, a giant gibbon, in fact. The thigh bone has not the slightest connection with the skull. His expertise was ignored. Dubois (founder) refused to let others see the bones.

  • In 1907 an expedition of scientists traveled to Java seeking more clues. They speculated that nearby lava flows were recent and could not support an age of 500,000 years old.

  • Dubois insisted his discovery was intermediate between gibbons and humans.

  • Since 1950 Anthropologists and textbooks have been calling Java man Homo erectus.

Piltdown Man

  • Parts found between 1908 and 1912 in Piltdown, England

  • Portion of a human skull

  • Portion of lower ape-like jaw bone and teeth

  • The claim – Intermediate link 500,000 years old, with no dating mechanism to prove claim

  • Almost every scientist who believed in evolution at the time believed this to be a known fact.

    The New York Times ran an article: “Darwin Theory Proved True”. Featured in textbooks and encyclopedias for over 40 years.

  • 1953 scientists studied the bones and determined the bones had been chemically stained to make them appear old, and the teeth had been filed to make them fit.

  • It is now believed that Piltdown man was about 600 years old.

  • The whole thing was a fraud.

Nebraska Man

  • Fossil discovery 1922

  • Used to support evolution in the famous Scopes trial

  • The claim – 1 million year old intermediate link. Yet, no dating methods till the 50’s & 60’s

  • The museum in Nebraska created Nebraska man, his wife, his family & living environment.

  • The evidence – a single tooth. The tooth was later found to be that of an extinct pig.


  • Pithecos = Greek for ape

  • Discovered in 1930s: teeth and some jaw fragments

  • The claim – 14 million year old intermediate between ape-like creatures and humans. No dating methods available at that time.

  • The evidence – 1970 discovered that Ethiopian baboons had an almost identical tooth & jaw structure.

  • Ramapithecus is no longer part of the human line in textbooks, no longer a fact of evolution.

Summary of “Facts”

  • Java man – Extinct ape

  • Piltdown man – Hoax

  • Nebraska Man – Pig

  • Ramapithecus – Ape

  • Every estimated date for age was wrong


  • Constructed by the media to look hairy and ape-like, because that’s the likeness they wanted.

  • First found near Dusseldorf, Germany in 1856

  • Brain capacity slightly larger than average human

  • Later it was determined the bones had been put together wrong. When they put the bones back correctly, they looked similar to humans. They had all the anatomy for human speech, which is not the case with primates. They painted on cave walls, played musical instruments, and buried their dead.

  • Neanderthal anatomy has everything to do with natural selection (adapting to their environment) & nothing to do with evolution.

  • Common dates for Neanderthals are 100,000 to 35,000 years ago. On average say 65,000 years. This is about 2600 generations. There should be easily 50 billion Neanderthals which lived in that time period. Yet we have found very few Neanderthal skeletons, and only at about 30 sites. Where are the fossils, when Neanderthals buried their dead?

Conclusion About Neanderthals

  • Protruding brow ridge – we have that today

  • Stocky body build and short extremities – we have that today

  • Isolated population of people – we have that today

  • Lived in a cold climate – we have that today

  • 100% human

Science and Education

  • Receiving only selected information means you are not being educated, you are being indoctrinated.

  • Why are textbook writers withholding information? Because once you put all the information in the textbooks, evolution cannot stand up against it.

  • A model that continually resorts to misleading information and deception can no longer be called science. If evolutionists want their theory to be called a science they must be prepared to do the work and provide all the evidence for their theory.

Lucy and the Australopithecines (southern ape)

  • Discovered 1974

  • About 40% of the fossil was found

  • The claim – 3.5 million years old. Claimed to be bipedal (walk upright).

  • Lucy named after Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (LSD).

  • Lucy bears no similarity to humans. Long arms identical to chimpanzees. Jaw similar to a chimpanzee. Upper leg bone similar to a chimpanzee, and legs were ape-like. Brain size overlaps chimpanzees at 400-500cc. Hands similar to pygmy chimpanzee. Feet were long and curved. Yet, a drawing from Life: The Science of Biology, Purves, Orians, and Heller, 1992, p.604 shows a picture of human feet labeled Lucy’s Feet. Our textbook writers continue to put false and misleading information in the textbooks to support evolution.

  • For decades, major researchers and even articles in evolutionary magazines, have concluded that Lucy could not walk upright; yet our textbook teaching has not changed.

A.ramidus (validity of the reported evidence)

  • Discovered in 1994 (Aramis, Ethiopia)

  • The claim – 4.4 million years old

  • Fossils were collected from 17 different areas, and were spread over a square mile. Found 8, teeth, most were damaged. Base of the skull found 1500 ft. away from the major search area. Arm bones found almost 900 ft. away. How would you know if all the findings belonged to the same creature? You would not.

  • Time Magazine, Oct. 3, 1994, p. 68 – Bones from the Ethiopian desert proved that human ancestors walked on earth 4.4 million years ago.

  • Newsweek, October 3, 1994, p.57 – Ramidus confirms once and for all that the common ancestor lived just a little more than 4.4 million years ago.

  • The evidence of proof:

  1. It fits into the line of progression with all the other missing links

  2. The date of 4.4 million years

  3. The thickness of the enamel on the fossil teeth

  4. The deciduous molar

  5. It might have been bipedal

  • Conclusions – None of this so called proof stands up to scrutiny

Great claims require real evidence!

Mechanism for Change

  • Natural selection and mutations must add new information for the genome to perpetuate change.

  • Natural selection ONLY works with existing information. It never adds new information.

  • The Biology of Animal Parasites, 1989, p. 516 states, Natural selection can act only on those biological properties that already exist; it cannot create properties in order to meet adaptation needs.

  • If evolution were true, then evolution should select the beneficial mutations and eliminate the harmful ones, but it does not. As of 1999 we had over 11,000 known human mutations and disorders in the human species alone. Natural selection is moving in the opposite direction to what evolutionists are telling us.

  • The evidence does not support evolution.

Human Variation

  • Although God has given us the ability to adapt to our environment, he has not given us the ability to add new information.


  • There are no known beneficial mutations that add information.

  • It is a great claim without any evidence

We must choose between God and the deception of evolution. If you rule out a creator God, then we become our own god. That great lie has become part of many churches today.

Bible References:

Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female.

Genesis 3:5 – For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.