Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution – 1
with Dr. Jobe Martin and David Haynes
Dr. Jobe Martin was educated in the sciences and medicine. He was taught evolution and had never even heard of Creation Science. As a professor at Baylor he was challenged by several students to explore the assumptions of evolution. He expected to set the students straight on evolution. After researching the assumptions of evolution he began questioning his own beliefs. The same students asked him to study various animals to see if he thought they could have evolved. He began researching the animal kingdom to determine if evolution could explain the natural world around him. The more he investigated, the more convinced he became that evolution didn’t have the answers, and that the observable evidence pointed to a creator God.
Bombardier beetle – firing chambers, explosion
Giraffe – special arterial valves, sponge absorbing the blood force of the heart
Woodpecker – The uniqueness of the woodpeckers drilling apparatus, the length of his tongue and its ability to glue itself to a bug, yet not get stuck when extracted into its own throat.
Comment – Evolutionists withhold information if it does not support their beliefs. A good example is today’s text books which offer no explanations beyond those that evolutionist can support.
Australian incubator bird – Also called mound builders. Build massive nests and must control the temperature to precise levels at all times to protect their eggs. She lays 1 egg every 3 days for 7 months. The eggs are about 1/2 lb and she is only 3-4 lbs. The baby bird finds its own way out of the nest and without being shown, knows what to eat. It will repeat the same process of its parents, without ever being shown.
Miracle of the chick and the egg – Something so simple is really complex and requires perfect timing. If things don’t take place with this perfect timing there is no chick.
The Beaver – The perfect engineer as an example for us all. Beaver house allows for bad gasses to escape and oxygen to come in. Flaps for his eyes and ears, so many other features.
Duck billed platypus – Ability to detect electrical impulses of the shrimp to find it’s food.
Black and Yellow Spiders – Make 7 kinds of webbing for different applications. Able to produce sheets webbing, strand webbing, sticky webbing, etc. for use on command. Can use their web to fly. They moult several times as they grow, by dissolving their shell with chemicals they produce at exactly the precise time required.
Gecko Lizard – At 35,000 magnification you can see suction cups on the base of their feet. They control these suction cups precisely to move even over glass. Why would it have the right kind of foot to use with suction cups, and why would they have evolved in the first place?
Chuckawala Lizard – Changes colour to adapt to the sunlight as a mechanism to control body temperature. He has a desalination factory in his body to excrete salt that has built up in his body and blood stream. He can divert his blood through the desalination factory to cleanse the blood to accomplish the process.
Man/woman – Movement the width of a molecule in the eardrum allows us to differentiate between various sounds. The eye is more sophisticated than the most advanced man made equipment.
All these observations point to a designer, not an accidental process.
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