Flood Geology

Flood Geology


The earth today carries many remnants and signposts of the great flood of Noah. Massive fields of fossils buried suddenly, weather patterns, recorded in polar ice, continent-wide layers of sediment that are uncovered today as rock layers – all echo the worldwide judgment of God as recorded in Genesis. Contents: Flood Initiation, The Present is not the key to the past, Mt. St. Helens, Rock layers, Fossilization, Coal, Canyon, Rapid specification, Distribution of plants & animals, Ice age.

Rating 5               29 min.


Flood initiation The flood initiation was caused by an upheaval and cracking of the earths crust releasing vast quantities of water. Note – It has been estimated that there may well be more water under the earth’s crust than above it.

Present is not the key to the Past The geological features that we see around us appear to be vastly different from what we see forming today. Thick mud layers over continents, coal seems covering entire states, fossil grave yards, frozen Mammoths, miles of underground tunnels, ice sheets over continents, canyons cut thousands of feet deep. The Bible’s great flood provides a logical explanation to many of the earth’s changes of the past.

Mount Saint Helens May 8th 1980, Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington from a 5.1 earthquake. The earth’s surface changed rapidly. The eruption blew out the side of the mountain. Large areas of ice were covered by ash and formed badlands in days. Followup eruptions formed fine layers in just hours. On June 10th mud flows cut a 100 ft deep zigzag canyons in soft sand and mud, complete with perpendicular side canyons. These canyons are reminiscent of Grand Canyon, but 1/40th the size and created in just hours. Mud flows in the next 10 years cut hundreds of feet deep into solid rock in days of cutting time. A log mat formed on the surface of Spirit Lake, and the movement of the logs stripped the bark away and formed up to 3 ft. of bark peat in just a couple years. Vertically floating trees sunk upright to the bottom of the lake and were buried in a decade. This is similar to the trees in Yellowstone’s Fossil Forest which were also buried in ash. Observing the recent processes of Mt. St Helens offer up a great deal of insight into the non-evolutionary explanations for the things we wee around us today.

Rock Layers Rock layers are visible all over the world. Present processes don’t explain these layers. Formation of fossils are rare today, but somewhere in the past thick layers of sand and mud were spread over continents, and rapid burial fossilized millions upon millions of well preserved creatures. Noah’s flood offers an explanation as to why sea creatures are found at the top of the Grand Canyon over a mile above sea level. Some of the sand grains in the Navajo sand stone had to have come from the Appellation mountains, but there is no known process for taking material from the Appellations to the southwest, except perhaps a global flood.

Fossilization Without rapid burial, living organisms rot, decay and are consumed before they have a chance of fossilizing. Yet billions of fossils are found all over the world, even soft parts. If a body is quickly sealed from oxygen and out of reach of burrowing animals, it can be preserved.

Coal Coal is found all over the continents. 10 ft. of plant material is needed to make 1 ft. of coal. Evolutionary geologists teach that coal is the result of peat building up in swamp bogs over millions of years. However, top and bottom layers of coal seems are usually flat, and thin layers of mud are often found in between layers of coal. In the present world, roots of plants break up the peat layers and mud layers that form. Tree trunks make the layers uneven. No modern processes can explain how coal originated, except perhaps the biblical description of a global flood. The rains upon the earth washed away the plant growth and floated on the surface of the water, until becoming water-logged, and sinking to the bottom forming coal beds. The beds would not be affected by growing plant and would tend to have flat upper and lower surfaces. In-between could be undisturbed layers of mud.

Canyons How did they form? A little bit of water over a long period of time or a lot of water over a short period of time? Rivers don’t usually cut downward through solid rock. In a heavy rain storm, you can see the power of water to carve out small canyons with similar characteristics as largest ones. Up stream from the Grand Canyon is evidence of huge lakes (Hopi, Canyonlands, and Vernal Lakes). These lakes would not have formed if the Canyon was open below them. If these lakes formed from rains after the flood and broke through the soft sediments laid down by the flood, we might expect to see what we see today. Remember Mt. St. Helens when Spirit Lake broke through and carved out massive canyons on a smaller scale. If this scenario makes sense, then we would expect to see surge deposits down stream below the grand canyon, and this is exactly what we find. Evidence of a lot of water carving its path over a little bit of time.

Rapid Speciation Plants and animals possess a huge reserve of information that can produce a stunning variety of species within a family group. The Bible says that God created all the plant and animal kinds in the beginning. DNA has shown us that He placed an enormous amount of information in each kind which would produce great variety. This is not evolution from a lower form of life.

Distribution of Plants & Animals Why do we find the same plants and animals in split ranges in far off places, but nowhere in-between. Noah’s flood may have created huge mats of plant life circulating on the surface of the ocean for decades or much longer. These could have acted as rafts for the transport of many species of birds, reptiles, and other animals. Interestingly, most of the plants and animals of split ranges follow the pattern of modern currents. Their distribution can be explained by rafting.

Ice Age Much of the worlds ice sheets are miles deep and hundreds of miles wide. They are cold deserts, where no present processes can provide the environment to create such sheets. There is little snow activity in these areas today. The flood of the Bible may provide answers. The flood of the Bible may have led to the Ice Age in the following manner. The volcanic action under the seas at the time of the flood would have warmed the ocean waters significantly. Perhaps taking the waters from around 39F to above 80F, according to meteorologist, Mike Oard. This temperature change would increase evaporation rates significantly. Subsequent volcanic activity on land from the shifting of the earths mantle would have had a cooling effect on the planet by the ash spewed into the atmosphere and blocking the sun. Heavy snow fall far inland over cooler climates would build up ice thousands of feet thick. Eventually the ash plumes subside and temperatures become more normalized.

Bible References:

2 Peter 3:6 The world that was then overflowed with water.

2 Peter3:3-4 In the last days scoffers shall say, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

2 Peter 3:5-6 Scoffers are willingly ignorant…that the world being overflowed with water, perished.

Genesis 7:19-20 The waters increased greatly upon the earth…and the mountains were covered.

Genesis 6:17 Gods said…behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth.

Genesis 6:20 Two of every kind shall come to you, to keep them alive.