1. Who created all matter, including the primary elements making upour world?

2. Who set the laws of the universe in place? (Magnetic fields, gravity)

3. Who provided the vast complex information system of DNA & RNA for constructing even the smallest cell or the largest animal?

4. Who created my body together with irreducibly complex organs thatcan’t exist on their own? (heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, liver)

5. Who organized non-living molecules, and gave them life?

6. Who gave us the gift of emotion, love, compassion?

7. Who colored our universe, and why are we equipped to see it?

8. Where did music come from, and why are we equipped to hear it?

9. Why does it only take days, not hundreds of thousands or millionsof years, to transform a caterpillar into a beautiful monarch butterfly?

10. How can order, design, & beauty exist without God?

11. Why is almost everything created male and female just as the Bible describes?

12. Why does the fossil record show life appearing rapidly during the Cambrian “explosion”. and not over long periods of time?

13. Who gave living organisms the ability to self-replicate, then limit the growth of every part to precisely form complex organisms?

14. Who created water in 3 unique forms, each with its own individualpurpose and characteristics to sustain life?