
Common Sense Apologetics*

(*reasons for your Christian beliefs)

1Peter 3:15 (NLT) – …and if you are asked about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.

Viewing the Evidence

For most people, the word “evolve” or “evolution” refers to change over time. For example – the evolution of the automobile. However, to a trained evolutionist the word “evolve” or “evolution” represents a process by which one tries to explain the existence of the universe and everything in it without acknowledging God. Creationists acknowledge God as creator based on the observable science/evidence, and an understanding of historical scripture.

Two Forms of Science

Creationists and evolutionists both agree with observational science that is testable in the present and allows us to draw conclusions. Historical science considers the past, but can’t be similarly checked out. Although important, Historical Science, is speculative. Evolutionists begin with a theory that excludes God, and only acknowledges conclusions that support their theory. If the data logically supports God, the data must be discarded. This is not real science, it is pseudo-science masquerading as real science.

The Theory of Evolution

The theory of evolution requires that everything be explained “naturally”, without a theistic God. In the first second matter and energy compressed into a hot dense mass only a few millimetres across, then exploded in what is referred to as the ‘big bang’. Through natural processes, over long periods of time, non-living matter came together to create life. Once life came into existence, a process called biological evolution created self-replicating complex living organisms; which by chance mutations, natural selection and adaptation, formed living creatures we see today. As the University of Berkeley’s website explains, “Evolution means that we’re all distant cousins: humans and oak trees, hummingbirds and whales.”


Examining the Observable Evidence for the Theory of Evolution

Evolutionists refuse to consider even the possibility of a supernatural God. So where did all the original matter and energy come from prior to the big bang? There is no observable process that could condense the entire universe into a mass smaller than your finger nail. Explosions create chaos not order. Our universe has laws. Our planets differ from one other, as do the stars, consistent with the biblical account, not evolution. No observable evidence exists that demonstrates how non-living matter can transform into life. The Miller Experiment at the University of Chicago in 1953 confirmed this. However, there is evidence that non-living chemicals can not be transformed into life. Removing even a few components of the most simple life form renders it nonviable. Creating life from the bottom up is impossible. Ignoring both the First Law of Thermodynamics,dealing with the creation of matter and energy, plus having no scientificevidence for a process of creating life from non-life; evolutionists blindly move on to biological evolution claiming their theory is rooted in science. Biological evolution is based on the assumption that life advances from simple to complex organisms, in small steps over long periods of time that begin in the primordial oceans by a process of mutation, natural selection and adaptation. What Darwin didn’t know, and others willingly ignore, is that even the simplest forms of life are complex. There is no mechanism for mutations to add “new” genetic information to the existing genetic code. Fruit flies have a very short life cycle. They have been the subject of exhaustive laboratory testing trying to prove mutations can improve fruit flies; but the results show the opposite. Creationists understand the role selection/adaptation play in the breeding of dogs or cats. These variations result from a loss of genetic information not a gain. The actual fossil record reveals creatures appearing abruptly and fully formed. Trilobites, among the earliest of creatures, have more complex eyes than humans. A long list of evolutionary hoaxes exist to convince us we evolved from Apes. Examples: Java Man – extinct ape; Piltdown man – hoax; Nebraska man – extinct pig; Ramapithecus – ape; Lucy – ape; Neanderthals – human. If evolution theory is rooted in observable and empirical science, why do evolutionists so often resort to fabricating evidence to support their theory? The idea of millions/billions of years obscures the extraordinary claims of evolutionists. Radiocarbon dating assumes a false equilibrium which has been knowingly taught for 40 years. Radioisotope dating makes assumptions about the starting amount of daughter elements, decay rates, etc. In dating rocks of known ages, radioisotope dating proves wrong beyond all reason. Numerous credible evidences exist for a young earth – nuclear decay rate, helium content in granite, single trees lodged within multiple layers of the geographic column, the decay rate of the magnetic field, rapid disintegration of comets, etc.

Creation Theory

Biblical creationists teach that in the beginning God created everything and it was good. God created male and female of every kind. Man was warned not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good & evil, or he would die. Exercising the gift of “free choice”, man chose to disobey God, and sin and death came into the world. Because of man’s continued wickedness, God destroyed all mankind, except 8 people in a world wide flood. God promised never to destroy mankind like that again and sealed His promise by creating the rainbow. After the flood God commanded the people to multiply and repopulate the earth. Instead, they built the tower of Babel as a monument to their own greatness. God gave the people different languages to confuse them; so they dispersed over the earth according to language groups, as God had originally commanded. Due to mankind’s continued weakness towards sin; God sent his Son Jesus Christ into the world, to teach us the “truth” and pay the ransom for our sins. Jesus was put to death on the cross for the sins of mankind – John 3:15 (KJV) That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. On the 3rd day Jesus rose from the grave and was subsequently seen by hundreds of witnesses. Jesus then ascended to Heaven. At Pentecost God sent the “Holy Spirit” to dwell within believers.

Examining the Observable Evidence for the Theory of Creation

Evolutionists suggest that the existence of God cannot be proven. You can’t prove gravity exists; yet, we believe it exists because we can logically observe its effect. So it is with God. If you found a penny in the forest you would recognize its unique design. The universe and life itself is so much more evidence for design than a simple coin. DNA confirms design by its incredible storage of useful information. Hundreds of incredible creatures defy evolution by their design. Design confirms God. The Bible tells us that God made creature “kinds.” Nature demonstrates that, cats & dogs, horses & cows, bear & deer, and others don’t breed outside their kinds. The chance of evolution creating a male and female for every species, at the same time and in the same place, in order to procreate is zero. Creatures only fossilize when they are buried rapidly. Fossilization is rare today. The fossil record around the world is consistent with the flood of the Bible. The existence of so many languages makes little sense outside the biblical explanation. Perhaps the best example proving God’s existence is the human body. Our bodies are made up of organs; each one dependent on the other for their existence, and none can exist independent of the body. The body’s heart pumps blood through over 60,000 miles of vessels, all of which lead back to the heart to repeat the process. Our eyes, our blood clotting mechanism and other organs are irreducibly complex. They serve no purpose until they go through the step by step development process. In the purposeless random chance world of evolution, there is simply no reasonable explanation for this without the presence of God.


Theistic Evolution & the Church

Many Christians, believing that evolution has been proven true, try to fit evolution theory into the Bible. Theistic Evolution has grown because most Christian churches have a limited understanding of Christian Apologetics.  Rather than teach “why” people can trust the Word of God, in the face of evolutionist’s great claims, too many churches have relinquished the teaching about origins to the public schools. Yet Genesis is the foundation for every other book in the Bible. Nearly every New Testament writer and Jesus Himself referred to Genesis in a foundational message.


If you can’t explain where original matter and energy came from, or how life was created from non-living elements without God, then no amount of time justifies evolution theory. Without God, how does one explain the everyday miracles seen in childbirth or the metamorphosis of the butterfly. The promise of life after death is found not only in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also in a trillion simple seeds. Ask yourself why anybody would ignore the evidence for creation to wilfully pursue an undirected theory based on bad science and ending in certain death. Students are being indoctrinated about their “origins” within the public education system. To counter this, both the church and individuals need to use apologetics to explain the reasons why we believe the Bible.

Romans 1:19-22 – For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.

For additional information about origins and other apologetic issues, like God, the Bible and Jesus Christ go to .