
Our modern day culture appears fixated on movie and television’s portrayal of Jurassic Park dinosaurs, vampires, aliens from outer space, and a universe billions of years old.  The real question is how much of this is reality and how much is fantasy.  We seem to easily accept a fictitious “Mother Nature,” but not a creator “God.”  We find it hard to accept the idea of “absolute truth” and are easily led toward thinking that everything is simply relative.  Relative to what, everything else?  You deserve better explanations than that.
Christopher Columbus didn’t create the new world, he found it as it already existed.  Like Columbus, scientists explore a universe they didn’t create.  They are limited to exploring and acting upon what already exists.  As smart as many scientists are, they are not the Creator, they are the created.
If the universe evolved after a big bang then modern day evolutionary scientists have a lot more serious explaining to do.

What’s at Stake?

Believing that a big bang is responsible for the creation of all that we see in the cosmos, leads one to believe the Bible’s description of creation cannot be true.  In fact, evolutionary scientists generally believe that given enough time, they will prove that God is irrelevant in the creation equation.
Yet, if the Genesis account of creation is not credible today, then why would anybody draw authority from the Bible?  If the cosmos is the product of random forces, then what need is there for a creator God as described in the Bible?  What’s at stake is your entire belief system.

Some Reasons to question the Evolution of the Cosmos

  • The Cosmological Argument — Whatever begins to exist has a cause.  The universe began to exist.  Therefore, the universe has a cause.  The underlying premise of the “Big Bang” theory is that a tiny particle exploded — creating all matter and energy that we observe in our universe today.  Two questions must be addressed.  What is the source of the tiny particle?  What caused it to explode thereby creating our universe?
  • The Fine Tuning Argument — The physical makeup of the universe has the exact values or constants necessary to support life.  Among these constants are: The Higgs Vacuum Expectation Value, Mass of Up, Down, Strange Quark, Strong Nuclear Force Coupling Constant, Cosmological Constant, Gravitational Constant, Scalar Fluctuation Amplitude, Mass of the Electron, Neutrinos (sum), Electromagnetic Coupling Constant, Baryon, Dark Matter Mass per Photon, Entropy of the Universe and Number of Space-time Dimensions.  The actual settings of these values are precisely where they need to be to support life.  If any of these values were to change by even the smallest number life would cease to exist.  How could the universe come into being through some type of random event and settle the precise settings required to support life?  The mathematical odds defy all reason.
  • A big bang explosion would create destruction, chaos and commonality.  All the exploded pieces should be similar, but smaller.  There are billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars and other celestial bodies.  Every one observed to date is unique.
  • The Second law of Thermodynamics indicates that the universe is devolving over time as it uses up its energy.
  • Historical science is quite different from empirical testable science.  Theories of what may or may not have happened in the past are all subject to assumptions about the past.
  • Many other dating methods suggest a biblical timeframe for the earth, solar system and universe.
  • Evolutionists assume coal, formed from plant and animal material, takes hundreds of thousands to millions of years to form.  Every sample of coal taken to date shows C-14 in it.  Thus coal must be less than 30,000 years old and most probably of biblical age based on current knowledge.
  • The idea of the universe and our solar system being billions of years old find their roots in assumptions about distant starlight, dating meteorites, etc.  Distant starlight creates its own timeframe problems for the evolution model as well.  As for dating meteorites and rocks from outer space, they are not supported by empirical science since the dating methods are linked to assumptions, which have been proven totally wrong when the dates of the rocks are actually known.
  • Helium migrates very easily into the atmosphere from rocks during the decay process. Over 68% of the Helium is still in the granite rocks. This suggests the earth is young and  perhaps closer to 6000 years old, not billions of years.
  • Nuclear decay rates don’t support an old earth (Radioisotope Dating).
  • Rapid disintegration of comets don’t support an old solar system.
  • Decay of the earth’s magnetic field is too rapid for the earth to be old.
  • Carbon 14 ratio in the atmosphere is consistent with a biblical age.
  • Radio-halos for polonium in granites suggest a young earth.


  1. As with other forms of evolutionary science, no god or supernatural being may be considered even if the observable evidence points to that logical conclusion.
  2. The universe is assumed to be billions of years old.

Logical Fallacies

  • Large explosive events cause destruction, chaos and commonality.  Yet, what we observe in the universe is beauty, diversity, order and universal laws of physics.

Fatal Flaws

  • The theory of the evolution of the cosmos lacks a solid explanation as to how original matter, energy and molecular structure came into existence from nothing in order to fuel a big bang.


One of the biggest tragedies of our time is that our public and too often our private institutions provide selective education.  The theory of evolution is intentionally protected by not providing alternate information on the scientific evidence for creation by God.  This amounts to indoctrination, not education.
If the Christian church is to flourish, it must begin teaching biblical apologetics, describing the reasons and logic behind its belief system.